
Whispers, a collection of thoughts about science, life outside academia, reading lists, etc. You might find out how to use computational techniques, or why alpacas are just cool, you might be surprised what you find here.

Post-submission struggles

Image from storyset at Freepik I woke up in a bright room, except that it was more like the inside of a crate, where the light originated from each of its s...

PhD life: things I had to learn and unlearn

Image from storyset at Freepik This page was first posted on January 23rd of 2023, and later modified on August 20th of the same year. Mixing vibrant elixi...

Research life - sneak peak

I contain multitudes

Six more months to go, and I will finally get away from this school. I should know what studies to pursue, shouldn’t I? At least everyone else seems to think...

The way we sleep

If I go to sleep now, I will get six hours of sleep … Expressions like this are all to common, and lead to one of the most self-destructive behaviours that s...

Monte Carlo approximations

Monte Carlo methods is a general term of algorithms that leverage sampling strategies to approximate solution to problems that might be too computationally ...

Favourite quotes

Quotes are usually something that speaks to everyone in one way or another. I have collected the quotes that I have read over the years and that speak to me...